Current Issue


Публікуються статті з механіки, фізико-математичного та комп’ютерного моделювання

Published: 2024-10-19


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ISSN (print) - 1816-1545

ISSN (on-line) - 2617-5258


Editor-in-chief:  Ye. Chaplya;

Associate Editors: V.Pelykh, Ya. Pyanylo, B. Gera;

Executive Secretary: A.Torskyy

 Editorial Board: M.Andrijchuk, R. Bun, B.Vynogradskyy, A.Vlasov, B. Gajvas, O. Hachkevych, O. Hrytsyna, A. Dzyuba,
I.Dyjak, O. Ivashchenko P. Kalenyuk, J. Kubik, M. Kachmarek, P. Kostrobij, R. Kushnir, O. Limarchenko,
A.Lopatjev,P. Malachivskyj, , O. Mashkov, R. Musij, Yu. Povstenko, J. Rybicki, G. Sulym, R.Terleckyy,
O. Khudolii, M. Cieshko, O. Chernukha.

The journal contains articles on mechanics, physicsal-mathematical and computer modeling of complex continuous-discrete systems and processes. It is intended for teachers, post-graduate students and scientists of higher educational establishments and research institutes. The journal "Physico-mathematical modeling and information technologies" is recognized by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine by a scientific professional publication in which the results of dissertation works for obtaining scientific degrees can be published: the doctor and candidate of physical-mathematical and technical sciences in the specialties "Mechanics" and "Informatics and cybernetics"

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Articles are submitted for review to the specialists in the subject matter of the journal. In the case of revision of the article by the authors according to the reviewer's remarks, the date of re-submission of the manuscript is accepted. If you refuse to publish the work, the manuscripts are not returned to the authors. The editorial board reserves the right to edit the manuscript. Manuscripts that are not properly drafted are not accepted for publication.

The journal is submitted for publication after approval by the Academic Council of the Center for Mathematical Modeling of Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine. The periodicity of publication is 2 times a year.